5 Home Remedies for Healthier Hair
01 / 26 / 17

5 Home Remedies for Healthier Hair

Are you pleased with the overall health of your hair? If the answer is no, then this post is for you. We have some good news we want to share with you, which is that it’s possible for you to take hair health into your own hands—and to do so from the comfort of your own home.

That’s right: While we have plenty of therapeutic models and technologies to improve hair length, volume, and health, and we are always pleased to work with our clients to give them the hair of their dreams, you don’t necessarily have to visit our studio space to make your hair healthier. Allow us to recommend five home remedies for healthier hair—ones that truly work!

Buy a Humidifier

We’ll start with the easiest one on our list: Buy a humidifier, and plug it in up in your bedroom. Run the humidifier while you sleep—and if you can’t find a humidifier, a vaporizer also works fine. The reason for this suggestion is that, often, hair health is determined by the environment. A dry environment in your home can lead to dry and brittle hair, but a humidifier can fix all of that.

Use Natural Fat in Your Hair

Something else you can invest in? Natural fats, such as olive oil and coconut oil. These can soothe and strengthen brittle or over-processed hair, and all you have to do is apply a few drops, rub them into your hair, and wait for half an hour or so before rinsing them out.

Rinse Your Hair with Green Tea

Sometimes the biggest problem with your hair is simply that it’s clogged with dirt and oil; even high-quality shampoos may not give you the deep cleanse that you need. So here’s what you do: Brew some organic, natural green tea. Let it completely cool. Shampoo your hair just like normal, and when you’re done, thoroughly rinse it with the cool green tea—a great, natural way to give it a truly deep cleanse.

Shampoo with an Egg

Speaking of shampooing, another tactic you might try is to combine one small egg with your regular shampoo; mix completely, then wash your hair with the egg/shampoo combination. Sometimes your hair may lack the critical proteins required for strength and shine, but the egg can restore those proteins.

Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Another nutrient that healthy hair requires? Omega-3 fatty acids, most commonly found in fish but also available as dietary supplements. If you’re not getting enough omega-3 in your diet, that might explain why your hair health leaves something to be desired. Consider an increase in your omega-3 intake!

If these home remedies prove ineffective, of course, you can always join us at New Image for a consultation. We’ll help you get to the bottom of your hair health issues, and recommend some ways to make your locks longer, thicker, shinier, or whatever else you’re looking to do! Join us at New Image at your convenience.