Common Mistakes That Can Lead to Hair Loss
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Common Mistakes That Can Lead to Hair Loss

While genetics is one of the most common causes of thinning hair and hair loss, many factors, including everyday habits, can cause or contribute to hair issues. You can do many things to ensure the health of your scalp, hair follicles, and hair, including avoiding some common mistakes that can lead to hair loss.

Pulling Your Hair Into Tight Hairstyles Every Day

Tight ponytails, buns, and braids may be fashionable and facilitate your active lifestyle, but they can also put excess pressure on your hair follicles. The daily wearing of tight hairstyles can stress the hair follicles and lead to a hair loss condition known as traction alopecia.

The first sign of traction alopecia is typically the appearance of little bumps on the scalp that resemble pimples. These bumps are caused when the hair follicles become irritated and inflamed from the stress of constant pulling. The condition progresses to visibly missing and broken hairs, most often along the front and sides of your scalp.

If the condition continues, the hair follicles can eventually become so damaged and scarred that they no longer produce new hair. Changing your hairstyle, keeping your ponytail loose, or securing it with a fabric tie before permanent damage is done, can enable your hair follicles to heal and once again produce healthy strands of hair.

Combing Your Hair When Wet

Your hair is most susceptible to damage when it is wet, which, unfortunately, is also the time it is most prone to tangle. Combing or brushing out tangles places a lot of force and stress on the hair, increasing your chances of hair breakage and eventual hair loss.

You can avoid damaging wet hair by gently blotting it with a towel and letting it air dry before trying to remove any stubborn tangles or combing before you wash your hair. You can also remove tangles during your shower. Use your fingertips to untangle strands, then use a wide-toothed comb to gently remove any stubborn tangles.

Washing Hair Too Frequently

Your scalp produces natural oil, sebum, which protects your hair, keeping it moisturized and healthy. Sebum also attracts dirt, dead skin cells, and hair products, creating a residue that can clog hair follicles and inhibit hair growth. Shampoos are mild detergents formulated to remove excess oil and accumulated dirt from your scalp and hair.

While washing your hair is necessary to remove buildup and keep the scalp, hair follicles, and hair healthy, frequent shampooing will strip your hair of its natural oils. Many people wash their hair daily, which can leave the hair follicles without the protection they need to stay healthy and cause your hair to be dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.

Washing Hair With Hot Water

Let's face it, whether to take off a chill, soothe sore muscles, or relax the body and mind, we all enjoy a nice hot shower from time to time. While hot water may be relaxing and soothing, it can dry out the sensitive skin on your scalp as well as your hair. This hair care mistake is even worse during the winter months when the weather has a natural drying effect on the skin and hair. To avoid damage, wash your hair with cold water in warmer weather and use lukewarm water when it's colder.

Contact The Experts At New Image

Thinning hair and hair loss can be a challenging issue to deal with because there are many causes. Diet, genetics, and hair care habits are just a few of the many factors that can cause or contribute to a scalp or hair condition. The first step to solving any scalp or hair condition is accurately determining the cause and all contributing factors.

At New Image Hair Clinic, our team of experts can help determine what is causing your hair loss and recommend solutions that are available for men and women. To learn more about thinning hair causes and the solutions available to you, contact us today and schedule your FREE initial consultation.