Good Nutrition Leads to Healthier Hair
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Good Nutrition Leads to Healthier Hair

Sometimes people ask us: What’s the best thing you can do for the health of your hair? Our answer? Eat right. After all, we all know the old saying—you are what you eat. There’s a lot of truth to that. If you want to have healthy, strong, and beautiful hair, you need to fill your body with nutrients that lend themselves to this; nutrients that give your hair the sustenance it needs to thrive.

What does this mean practically? There are a number of foods that have been linked with hair health. We recommend incorporating as many of them into your diet as possible. Below are just a few specifics to hone in on.

The Best Foods for Healthy Hair

Fish. Fish should be a staple in your diet, and for one simple reason: omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is a nutrient that’s essential for shining, lustrous hair—and it’s something the body cannot produce on its own. You have to get it through sound nutrition, and the best way to do so is through mackerel, sardines, and salmon.

Dark, leafy vegetables. Eat your spinach! The nutrient levels present in leafy greens are significant, and include Vitamins A and C, folate, iron, and more—all of which is essential for growing healthy and strong hair.

Iron-fortified cereal. Iron is essential for many reasons—but one of the foremost reasons is averting hair loss. There are plenty of ways to get iron, and cereal is just one recommendation. Beef is also a good option, and so are shellfish.

Lean poultry. Your hair needs protein, which fuels it through its growth stage. An insufficiency of protein will mean that your hair goes into a “rest” phase—and stays there. The healthiest source of protein is lean poultry—turkey, chicken, and the like.

Cinnamon. Your hair follicles need plenty of blood circulation to do their thing—and one of the easiest ways to increase circulation is to add cinnamon to your diet. Try sprinkling it in coffee, on cereal—anywhere!

Boost Your Hair Health Today

There is much you can do to make your hair healthier, and one of the best is eating better. In addition, you can come visit our stylists at New Image. We’d love to speak with you about your hair health needs. Visit New Image today to receive a consultation with one of our team members!