How Does Testosterone Cause Hair Loss for Women?
09 / 17 / 18

How Does Testosterone Cause Hair Loss for Women?

Mostly everyone knows that testosterone is a factor in men's hair loss, many people do not realize that it is a factor for women as well. When people hear about testosterone, they think it only applies to the male population, however, this is not the truth. A certain amount of hair loss is common, in fact, we all lose about 50-100 strands per day. However, when women experience hair loss, they may look in the mirror and begin to panic, not knowing what is causing their strands to fall out or thin. Let's discuss how testosterone causes hair loss in women, and what can be done when this happens.

What Exactly is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by both men and women in different amounts. While most people know that testosterone is responsible for a man's facial hair, sexual function, and puberty, the hormone plays a role in the bodies of women as well. Hormones called androgens are produced in the ovaries, with testosterone being present. Fluctuations in the levels of the hormone occur in the bodies of all women, affecting the regrowth of hair.

When Do Women Experience Hair Loss?

Hair loss is something that most women do not anticipate. There are times women experience hair loss. This can happen after the birth of a child, during menopause, or even after significant weight gain. These are only some of the instances that a woman may find her hair is thinning. When they are searching for answers as to why this has happened, many women are surprised to discover that testosterone is the cause.

About Testosterone in Women

DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone, is a form of testosterone that is found in women. It is known to kill hair follicles, causing hair to thin. While all women have small amounts of male testosterone in their bodies under normal conditions, it has been discovered in recent years that DHT is actually responsible for the majority of women's hair loss.

How Does Testosterone Contribute to Hair Loss in Women?

Simply put, the enzyme that is found in the oil glands of the hair follicle is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to DHT. The level of DHT binding to receptors in scalp follicles causes shrinkage of the hair follicles, and hair can begin to thin as a result.

While this process happens in both men and women, men have more testosterone than women do. However, even at low levels, DHT-triggered hair loss can happen. Depending upon a woman's body chemistry, she can be extremely sensitive to "normal" levels of DHT in the body, and find that hair loss occurs.

Hair grows an average of half an inch per month before the process stops and regrowth occurs. Testosterone in women can interrupt this process so that after natural shedding, lost hair does not regrow. This is commonly known as Female Pattern Baldness.

Women who experience Female Pattern Baldness notice that they experience patchy baldness, a widening center part, and thinning on the crown of the head.

What Can Women Do?

It is no surprise that a woman's hair is extremely important. When testosterone causes the hair to fall out, a woman is often left wondering what she can do. While there are many causes for women's hair loss, it is important to remember that there are available custom solutions. At New Image Hair Clinic, we offer a variety of options in order to help women look and feel their best when they experience the loss of hair. Contact us today for a free consultation.