How Thyroid Diseases Cause Hair Loss (And What You Can Do)
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How Thyroid Diseases Cause Hair Loss (And What You Can Do)

Hair loss comes in all shapes and forms and is more common than you might think. It might be genetic, passed down from generation to generation. It could be the result of an unhealthy lifestyle or even a treatable medical condition, such as thyroid disease. No matter what the cause, New Image hair offers a full line of hair loss solutions to fit any need. The first step to choosing the right treatment is understanding the cause of your hair loss. This is your guide to how thyroid diseases cause hair loss and what you can expect.

What is the Function of the Thyroid?

The thyroid is a gland that sits at the base of your neck, and as its name implies produces the thyroid hormone. This hormone is responsible for regulating numerous processes in the body including your metabolism, hair growth, cardiovascular system, and the digestive system just to name a few. The mineral, iodine is the key ingredient in the production of the thyroid hormone. Irregularities in the thyroid gland are considered thyroid diseases.

What are Thyroid Diseases?

Thyroid disease is a broad term that refers to a category of disorders that occur when the thyroid is not functioning as it should. The most common include:

  • Hypothyroidism - producing too little of the thyroid hormone
  • Hyperthyroidism - producing too much of the thyroid hormone
  • Thyroiditis - inflamed thyroid gland
  • Thyroid nodules - fluid-fill pockets in the thyroid gland
  • Thyroid cancer - cancer of the thyroid gland

A little known fact is that thyroid diseases can also cause hair thinning and hair loss if left untreated.

How Do Thyroid Diseases Cause Hair Loss?

The thyroid hormone is essential for maintaining and developing hair follicles. Thyroid disease ultimately results in a disruption of the thyroid hormone. This disruption inherently affects the hair follicles. It can inhibit the ability of these follicles to produce new hair growth; meaning current strands of hair fall out and the follicle remains dormant.

It is important to note that hair loss due to thyroid disease, doesn't mean your hair will fall out all at once. This type of hair loss is gradual and begins with hair thinning. Here's how it works. You typically lose between 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. This is completely normal. New growth takes its place and you typically never notice a difference. However, in individuals experiencing hair loss due to thyroid conditions, the strands of hair you are losing are not able to be replaced.

What Can You Do?

The good news is that hair loss due to thyroid conditions is usually temporary and normal hair growth will resume once the issue is resolved. There are instances in which medications used to treat thyroid diseases can also cause hair thinning and hair loss, which can make it difficult to know whether the hair loss is due to the medication or the thyroid condition. Once you have finished your round of medications, hair growth should return to normal.

Don't Wait to Have a Full Head of Hair!

The truth is that even after your hair follicles have been restored to full working order, it will take time for your hair to grow back. There's no need to wait to enjoy a full head of hair. New Image Hair provides a variety of hair loss solutions including hair restoration systems, laser hair therapy, topical regrowth treatments, and more. Our stylists are experts in navigating hair loss and helping find a solution for you. Don't let thyroid conditions prevent you from a full head of hair. Schedule your free consultation today!