The Connection Between Thyroid and Hair Loss
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The Connection Between Thyroid and Hair Loss

 According to the American Thyroid Association, 20 million Americans are currently affected by at least one form of thyroid disease. People with a thyroid disease exhibit systems that range from sensitivity to temperatures, shifting moods, and dry skin and nails. Hair loss is also common. Since this is the most visible of the symptoms, it can negatively affect how we feel about ourselves and our self-image. So how does this type of hair loss occur?


The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ found in the lower part of the neck, between the larynx and trachea. A normally-functioning thyroid aids the body by converting iodine in food into two types of hormones -- T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine). T3 and T4 regulate many functions of the body such as the central and peripheral nervous systems, heart, body temperature, and weight. Without a steady release of these hormones, thyroid disorders can occur.


When the thyroid releases too few T3 and T4 hormones into the body, hypothyroidism can result. An underactive thyroid manifests in other ways such as fatigue, weight gain, depression, and sleep problems. Hair loss is an additional side effect, most notably in the thinning of eyebrows.  You may also notice your hair becoming dry and brittle. Although hypothyroidism can't be prevented, you can control it by monitoring your diet to ensure you're consuming enough iodine, taking doctor-prescribed medications, and getting a hair loss treatment.


The opposite of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism occurs when too many T3 and T4 hormones are released. Most often, hypothyroidism is caused by the autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto's disease while hyperthyroidism is usually caused by another autoimmune disorder called Graves disease. Patients with Graves disease possess an immune system that purposefully attacks the thyroid, stimulating a greater secretion of T3 and T4. Symptoms of an overactive thyroid are anxiety, nervousness, moodiness, and rapid weight loss. Dry hair is also common, and just like hypothyroidism, can be regulated with proper care.


Thyroid conditions affect hair loss in multiple ways. You may experience an itchy scalp, as well as dry and brittle hair. Those with Graves disease may even see their hair prematurely gray. One of the biggest issues resulting from thyroid-caused hair loss is that loss is not localized but rather spread over the whole scalp. This is due to the longer telogen (or resting) phase of hair growth. Hair growth occurs in four stages: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. It's the telogen phase in which hair rests, awaiting new hair follicles to grow, before they are shed in the exogen phase. Since the hairs are independent of each other, the time at which each hair goes through the growth process differs. When you have a thyroid disease, this happens all at once. With no new hairs to replace the ones already shed, hair is lost, leaving behind large bald patches.


At New Image Hair Clinic, we offer many hair loss restoration services for men and women dealing with thyroid diseases. Our Biomembrane Hair System for men non-surgically provides a brand new layer of skin on the scalp which allows for new hair to develop. Women will benefit from our Ultratress and Invisistrand hair extensions that blend in perfectly with your own hair. Laser therapy is available for both men and women, as is our advanced Cyber Hair System, which is a synthetic hair that completely resembles real human hair. These, and other options, will get your hair feeling silky and smooth and looking better than ever.

Hair loss is a thing of the past at New Image Hair Clinic. Contact us for a free consultation so you can say hello to the new you!