There are a number of treatments available for hair restoration, and one of the most popular is laser hair therapy. Our clients love laser hair therapy because it’s safe, quick, painless, and doesn’t require surgery or significant downtime. What’s more, laser hair restoration can help stimulate healthy hair growth for a totally natural appearance. We are thrilled to offer laser hair therapy for hair loss in North Huntingdon, PA.
Laser hair therapy is ideal for those who are just starting to experience thinning hair or hair loss; for those who have lost hair due to chemicals or medications; and for those who suffer from certain conditions of the scalp such as Alopecia Areata.
When you join us at New Image Hair Clinic, we’ll tell you more about the benefits of laser hair therapy, about the specific types of lasers we offer, and about what you can expect from this FDA-approved treatment. We can also provide more insight into whether your laser hair therapy would benefit from the addition of other treatments, including trichology and scalp care.
We are pleased to utilize some of the top laser treatments, including proven and effective solutions from Hairmax and Theradome.

Hairmax Laser Treatment
One of the great things about laser hair therapy is that it’s something our clients can experience from the comfort of their own homes. If you decide that laser hair restoration is something you’d like to pursue, we can equip you with take-home solutions from some of the world’s top providers of laser hair products. We are especially pleased to showcase Hairmax laser hair therapy options, including Hairmax laser combs, laser hats, and laser bands. These products make it easy to stimulate hair growth while you watch TV, browse content on your phone, or curl up with a good book.
Hairmax has long been a pioneering brand in the field of laser hair restoration. Their low-level laser technology is backed by plenty of clinical research, verifying that it’s safe and effective, and it also comes with backing from the FDA. Hairmax products are a convenient way to stimulate blood flow to the follicles and, depending on the life of the follicle, produce new growth.
Laser hair therapy can be a great option either on its own or in conjunction with other treatments, including trichology treatments and scalp care. As you consider the options available for helping restore your hair, Hairmax is definitely a name to keep in mind.

Theradome Hair Growth Helmet
At New Image Hair Clinic, we take pride in offering high-quality products from the world’s foremost experts in hair restoration. Theradome more than meets that description. We are happy to offer Theradome laser hair therapy to our clients who are experiencing either mild or moderate levels of thinning hair.
Theradome products are great for several reasons, starting with the convenience factor. As with our other laser hair therapy options, Theradome is something you can experience from the comfort of your own home. Theradome laser helmets are easy to use and can be worn while you carry out other tasks and activities around your home.
Additionally, Theradome laser hair therapy is backed by a body of clinical research, confirming that it’s a safe and effective way to resolve thinning hair. Theradome is fully backed by the FDA and can be a great option for preventing hair loss or even for stimulating new growth.
When you join us at New Image Hair Clinic, we’ll be happy to provide you with further insight into the merits of Theradome, helping you determine whether it’s best for your needs and goals. We can also let you know if you should combine Theradome with other hair restoration methods, such as trichology and scalp treatments.
We Want to Help You!
Looking for safe, effective ways to resolve hair loss? One treatment option to consider is laser hair growth therapy. This is a well-established method, backed by the FDA and supported by plenty of clinical literature. At New Image Hair Clinic, we can supply take-home laser treatments from some of the world’s top hair experts.
To learn whether laser hair therapy is right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation appointment at our North Huntingdon, PA studio. During this appointment, we’ll be happy to answer your questions and to recommend a custom treatment plan. To schedule your FREE consultation appointment, we invite you to contact New Image Hair Clinic today.