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5 Hormonal Causes of Women’s Hair Loss

 This hardly narrows it down, as there are a number of hormonal changes that women might experience—but what are some of these changes that most commonly lead to hair loss? Here’s a quick rundown.

Birth Control

Different women will have different experiences with birth control: Some find that it leads to hair growth, while others experience hair loss. Hormonal birth control—a category that encompasses the majority of birth control pills—is especially liable to cause hair loss. The good news is that you can simply switch to a different form of birth control, with a different hormonal makeup, to solve the problem.


During pregnancy, hormones can cause a woman’s hair to seem even longer and thicker than normal; that’s because these hormones disrupt the normal process of shedding that characterizes the hair growth process. Following childbirth, the body begins reverting to normal, which means that some hair loss is typical. You’re not going bald—your body is just evening things out—and you can expect the shedding to stop within a few months.


Menopause is another condition that affects the hormones, and thus can lead to hair loss. Often, this hair loss will be temporary—but in some cases it might not be, which is when you may wish to visit us at New Image Hair Clinic to discuss hair systems, laser therapy, wigs, and beyond!


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a form of insulin resistance (related to diabetes) that can wreak havoc on the hormones. The side effects are numerous, and hair loss is toward the top of the list. Medications can help regulate these symptoms, however, and lifestyle changes may also help.

Thyroid Problems

Finally, note that hypothyroidism—wherein your thyroid underproduces key hormones—can result in major hair loss when it is not properly treated. Of course there are much graver side effects than that, including possible heart problems, so hypothyroidism is something you will want to have treated by a medical professional, without question.

Find Solutions at New Image Hair Clinic

The reasons for women’s hair loss can vary wildly, and the list we’ve provided here just skims the surface. No matter the cause, there is always a solution available. Find out more by joining us at New Image Hair Clinic for a consultation.