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5 Options to Address Men’s Hair Loss

Men face hair loss for all different reasons—due to medical conditions or due to poor nutrition, due to illness or due to trauma, but most often due to simple genetics. Hereditary hair loss is by far the most common cause of male hair loss, and for some men it starts at a very young age. Just because you’re facing hair loss doesn’t mean you have to settle for hair loss, though. No matter the cause of your hair loss, you can always find a solution to restore your thick, full, and healthy hair.

The best way to find that solution is to meet with us one-on-one at New Image Hair—but before you come in for a consultation, allow us to highlight five hair loss solutions that really work.

Topical Solutions

Some men are skeptical about hair restoration creams and topical medications, and if you’ve had a bad experience with over-the-counter products then we don’t blame you. You should know that topical treatments have come a long way, and the ones we offer at New Image are proven in both their safety and their efficacy. Minoxidil, in particular, can provide an easy and convenient way for men to stimulate new hair growth.

Laser Therapy

If you’ve never heard an explanation of how laser hair therapy works, here’s the basic outline: Low levels of laser light stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which can enliven the follicles and in some cases lead to new hair growth. Laser therapy can be especially effective when paired with topical solutions—a great one-two punch against hair loss!

Hair Replacement Systems

Hair replacement systems give men the ability to enjoy all the perks of natural-looking hair without having to go through anything as invasive as a transplant. We offer advanced and effective hair replacement systems that can provide either real human hair or synthetic hair, and which replicate the look and feel of natural, growing hair. Ask us about iHair and CyberHair, in particular!

Hair Integration

Another effective and non-surgical option is hair integration, and specifically a product called Follistrand. Follistrand takes hair and infuses it one hair at a time into a thin membrane. It leaves the scalp visible, and the hair seems to grow directly from it—meaning it looks exactly like it’s natural, growing hair.

Hair Transplants

For men who do want to take a surgical approach, hair transplants have also come a long way, and can be done easily and seamlessly, leaving you with a new look that is completely natural.

The bottom line for men faced with hair loss is that solutions do exist, and they really work. The only question: Which solution is best for you? Visit us today for a consultation, and find an answer to that question!