Does Hair Loss Negatively Impact Your Job Search?
02 / 08 / 18

Does Hair Loss Negatively Impact Your Job Search?

No one would intentionally discriminate against someone with hair loss, but many people claim that hair loss can negatively impact your job search. Since stress and other health concerns cause hair loss in some individuals, it's possible for managers to subconsciously make assumptions about stress levels and health problems in people with hair loss. Fortunately, there are many great solutions for getting your dream job regardless of where you are in your hair loss journey. We've taken a closer look at how hair loss can impact your job search, then offer plenty of ideas for landing the perfect position.

How can hair loss affect my job search?

Typically, managers only interview their top candidates. If you're getting interviews, you already have a lot going for you! Unfortunately, it's normal for managers to make snap judgments based on appearances. Since stress and health concerns contribute to hair loss, it's easy for hiring committees to assume you're struggling with already high levels of stress. This might make them concerned about choosing you for a high stress position.

More importantly, hair loss often affects how you feel about yourself. Regardless of how much hair you have, your confidence and professionalism will always shine through! However, if your hair loss makes you feel insecure or embarrassed, hiring committees may pick up on those emotions. Decreased self-confidence and low self-esteem can impact how you interview. The way you feel about yourself can even impact how you present yourself on a resume or cover letter. 

Landing your dream job

Regardless of the type of hair loss you might have, taking care of yourself and building your self-confidence is an essential first step. When you feel good about yourself, you'll reflect that in your interactions with others. Start by thinking positively about yourself, then use that motivation to counteract your hair loss and get the job that's right for you.

Step 1: Find a professional to help

Start with a top-quality hair clinic that will treat your hair loss in a way that fits your individual needs, budget, and lifestyle. At New Image, we gladly offer a free consultation and hair analysis to let you explore your treatment options right away. Look for a professional that will really listen to your concerns and needs. These premier hair loss specialists will find the perfect solution and customize it for you.

Step 2: Start your treatment

Once you've identified the treatment that's right for you, get started. Finding a solution for your hair loss, even if it is a process that happens over time, is a great self-esteem booster. When you look in the mirror and see improvements, you'll exude confidence and poise. These traits will shine through in your interview. You might even want to refine your resume now that you're feeling more confident!

If you're waiting for hair to grow back, consider a temporary option like a wig while you search for a new position. With the right fit, you'll always look great. Our professionals can help you find a secure and comfortable option that looks amazing.

Step 3: Go get that job!

With great looking hair, a newfound confidence, and all the qualities that already make you great for your dream job, you're ready for your interview. The professionals at our hair clinic instill confidence by finding the perfect solution for your hair loss treatment. With our treatments, your hair loss won't impact your job search at all.

Our professionals offer advanced, state-of-the-art treatment options for hair loss. We successfully help both men and women get the perfect look through hair transplants, laser hair therapy, and other high tech methods. To learn more about our high-quality services, please contact us. We can't wait to help you look your best!