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How to Ensure Healthy Hair and Scalp This Winter

Winter Tips to Maintain Healthy Hair & Scalp

Here are some of the tips we most recommend:

Try to wash your hair less frequently. When you wash away dirt and sweat, you’re also washing away the natural oils that keep your hair from becoming too dry. Washing daily will leave your hair vulnerable to the harsh impact of winter weather. Try washing it just two or three times a week; on the other days, just rinse in warm water or even try using a dry shampoo.

Use conditioners after you wash your hair. Make sure you apply them to your hair, not just to the scalp; ideally, they will prevent your hair from drying out or breaking.

Be careful about hot showers. Yes, hot showers feel awfully nice on cold winter days—but they can seriously dry and damage your skin and hair. Shifting the dial down just a few degrees—enjoying warm water instead of scalding hot—can make a big difference for you.

Let your hair air dry before you go outside. If you go outside into the cold winter weather with your hair still wet, it will take even longer to dry—and your wet hair will be vulnerable to the elements. Drying your hair with a blow dryer, meanwhile, can also cause dryness and damage. The best way to dry your hair is to gently pat it down with a soft towel, then let it air dry before you leave your house.

Wear hats and scarves when you’re outside. This is the simplest way to protect your hair from the elements. Ensure that you don’t wrap your scarf too tightly, though, or else it might cut off circulation to your scalp!

Get some winter trims. The best way to minimize split ends and keep your hair looking vibrant is to make sure you get it trimmed regularly. Be sure you make it to your stylist a time or two during the winter.

Keep Your Hair Healthy

If you have concerns about the health of your hair or scalp this winter, you can always bring them to a New Image stylist. We are happy to talk with you about whatever hair issues are on your mind. Visit us for a consultation at New Image Hair Clinic today.